Kuroda Interview
––Finally, please tell us something about the movie that’s currently in production.[1]
We’re doing what Mizushima said he wanted to do in preproduction. To tell the truth, when we were working on the second season, I remember [someone?] saying “This is impossible to do in a TV series, but maybe we can end where the director wanted to if we get word of a movie version.” Thankfully a movie version was greenlit, “so, shall we go with that?” [we thought/said]. It seems like we’ll be able to go through with the initial idea in the end and it seems like it’s going well.
––How far along is the scenario so far?
It’s finished. The setting it two years later. It’s not a spin-off, but a direct continuation of the story, in a sense, it’s the magnificent conclusion. I’ve gotten to the point that I’ve written, “I won’t write any more continuations!”
––…You won’t continue?
I can’t continue! (lol) Really, if I think about whether it/I should continue, it/I could continue, but, I’m going to end it when I feel that, emotionally, I can’t write any more. Well, I think certainly everyone’s expectations will be fulfilled to a degree.
––Perhaps, that’s something you want to relate to the fans too I’d think. But, they’re probably thinking to themselves “Is that really Gundam?” [4]
It is Gundam, sorta (lol). If we go with the “Heisei Kamen Rider Series” theory, maybe that’s getting into “Ryuki”s territory.[5] We’re definitely getting into things that isn’t done in Gundam. Already, the instant [new] information is released, I think [Mizushima] and I are treated dreadfully. But, we expect that sort of criticism.
––[The course of] Gundam’s history might change then.
We won’t know until we see how it turns out, I think we shouldn’t narrow the scope of what can be done in Gundam. [We tend] to follow the path restricted by the maniac [fans], but we need to have ideas to widen [that path]. If we don’t steadily increase the maximum permissible amount[6] of Gundam, the content will die. In a hundred years, when they make a [new] “All That Gundam,” I hope at least Exia [gets to] fly through.
[4]- Not sure about this, I’m terrible with the interviewer’s lines
[5]- I don’t really know what he’s talking about since I don’t know much about Kamen Rider
[6]- 許容量; from what I’ve found the word is for like medicine and/or radiation (like, “maximum permissible dosage”

, I’m not 100% sure what Kuroda means by it
Sacado de /m/ que fue sacado del blog de Good Haro (un chabon que se la pasa traduciendo cosas de 00)
PD: Combo!
Mizushima Interview
––Finally, please tell us something about the movie that’s currently in production.[1]
It seems like J.J. Abrams did a fantastic job on the Star Trek movie, I feel like I’d like to get a hold of that light-hearted feeling myself. I think it turned out so well because it had exciting elements that even casual fans could enjoy and was full of references and whatnot to delight Trekies as well. I don’t know if we’ll be taking the same course of action, but I think it’ll be enjoyable as a movie on in it’s own right. Although 00 seems to be heading toward the end, [I wouldn't] say that this will close the book on this world–there might still be some surprising and unfinished things left. …You know, that might really piss everyone off.
––You must be really worried about that (lol)
When I start to think that [going] beyond the story was pointless, it’s missing the point[2]. On the other hand, you could say that it’s another opportunity. There are times that I’d like to put in everything, but you can’t fit it all in a movie. If I tried to put just a little of it in, it would feel superfluous and I don’t want that. Though that isn’t to say that it’s not possible to tell a complete [story] with a movie. With movies, you can depict certain kinds of conclusions perfectly. At the current stage, it’s looking to be about two hours long and I’m already incredibly tired. There are a lot of battle scenes and whatnot (lol). Well, by that I mean I think it’ll turn out to be a film that fulfills the expectations of those who are eagerly anticipating it.
––There are troublesome parts in the content, but?[3]
Well, because we were always going on about “the dialogues to come,” that’s one area that we absolutely couldn’t not address. Because, things that haven’t been done in Gundam yet always end up getting done eventually. You have to come up with images no one has seen before. But, it should be easy for the people who make Gundam after this. Because everything’s been done already (lol).
[1]- idk why the interview opens with 最後に, Kuroda’s does too so maybe I’m interpreting this wrong
[2]- pretty sure I’m not really getting the implications of 外す right, but that was the best I could figure from my dictionaries
[3]- not so sure about this phrasing