24-07-2011, 17:38
Ouroboros escribió:Lo que no rinde es jugar sin ranged AD, te kitean a morir salvo que tengas muchísimo CC.
Acá encontré un pequeño wall of text explicando con un buen insight de qué se trata el "kite" (kite es barrilete, cometa, en inglés)
El que no se quiera comer toda la lectura, con el primer parrafo alcanza.
Cita:"Kiting" is an old term that's used to describe the act of getting the maximum number of attacks against an opponent while exploiting any range disadvantage they may have to reduce the amount of attacks they land against you. Generally speaking, you can "kite" melee champions with ranged ones provided you have a spammable slow of some kind (like Ashe's Frost Arrow passive ability, or with Frozen Mallet) and said melee doesn't have a way to instantly close distance.
You can also "kite" with champions that have flash-like moves, such as Ezreal or Kassadin, but cooldowns makes this prohibitive and only really effective against other champions that can't also do similar moves.
Another generally accepted use of "kiting" is drawing a melee champion in between two very tempting/squishy ranged ones. One of the ranged champions will move "too close" to the target enemy, prompting him to begin chase. The other ranged champion will then attack the melee, usually in such a way that the first ranged gets a good bit away while putting themselves in a (fake) vulnerable position. This will usually cause the melee target to switch to the closer squishy, which is is the plan all along as it allows the initial ranged champion free ability to attack the melee as he starts to chase the other ranged. They can go back and forth like this for as long as the melee in question is dumb enough to keep trying.
Other games have other methods for kiting wherein a melee can kite another melee, but kiting in LoL is practically limited to only ranged utilizing this method of dealing with melee. There are exceptions, but it's very dependent on the champions in question and the various styles of play for those champions.
As to the origin of the word "kite", I really haven't looked into it. It's just something I've heard/used in all games that can utilize the tactic.
Miles Edgeworth escribió:"Though I grow with each revolution of the planet around the sun... I have the distinct impression he continues to madly spin in place."