26-01-2012, 01:32
Seguro que no es uno de ustedes?
Miles Edgeworth escribió:"Though I grow with each revolution of the planet around the sun... I have the distinct impression he continues to madly spin in place."
Tema NerdON de Videos de Internet
26-01-2012, 01:32
Seguro que no es uno de ustedes?
Miles Edgeworth escribió:"Though I grow with each revolution of the planet around the sun... I have the distinct impression he continues to madly spin in place."
26-01-2012, 01:48
Es Rin, asi que por lo menos no soy yo. Ahora si fuese Hanako... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgO9hHooLOo ...: ![]()
26-01-2012, 01:51
Al principio pensé "Obvious troll is obvious", pero le puso demasiado esfuerzo como para estar trolleando. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDHJVqmSNT0 Skip to 1:10 and wait for it...
26-01-2012, 02:21
Who the hell do you think I am?
26-01-2012, 16:06
"trucos"? .. "Trucos"? Que fail man, que fail. Miles Edgeworth escribió:"Though I grow with each revolution of the planet around the sun... I have the distinct impression he continues to madly spin in place."
26-01-2012, 21:43
[SIZE="5"]Se cierra, las razones del cierre y el nuevo thread ACA[/SIZE]
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