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Zombie Panic! Source - Stand Alone (No Steam)
Bueno, acaba de salir una version compilada por rusitos con el Zombie Panic 1.3 y sin la verga atomica de steam


Hay pocos seeds porque salio hace poquito, y es un repack de otro que sacaron y que tenia errores.

Cita:-Switched to Orange Box engine.
-Weapon highlights as red if it is empty.
-New decals for melee/zombie impacts.
-Bug where you could swing melee weapons faster by switching back and forth fixed.
-Chunky gibs when blown up.
-Updated AK47 model, animations, and sounds
-Added a new song (KM_ChapelOfUnrest.mp3)
-Removed mic chat limitation when you're too far away from team members
-Updated some sounds (pickup, grenade, victory, and etc.)
-Increased fatigue recovery
-Increased volume on footsteps
-Updated Multiplayer options to match other OB games
-Fixed bug that limited mp_zombomaxlives to 25
-Added loading tips screen
-Changed ZPO weights to match ZPL weights
-Optimized engine a bit
-You can no longer rejoin a game in progress once zombie lives have run out
-New zombie regen system
-Fall damage is now enabled by default. Zombies get half as much damage, and start regenerating immediately from fall damage.
-Scoreboard now uses avatars
-Collision system for teammates similar to TF2 (can walk through teammates, anti-grief system)
-Inventory now fills in gaps when you drop a weapon or use up all of your grenades (inventory scoot)
-Explosive props now damage like grenades (other team and self only)
-Fixed bug where recoil would increase when holding down fire while reloading
-Fixed no recoil bug if you hold down reload while firing w/ no extra ammo in backpack
-Fixed spectator within the playable map area during an active round bug
-Fixed brass ejection and muzzle flash on guns
-Fixed bug where an infected would not remain ducking when turning into a zombie
-Damage indicator is now directional, and enhanced graphically.
-Added dryfire to the machine guns
-Fixed weapons sounds being overlapped by pickup sounds
-Included map zpo_biotec
-Included map zpo_tanker
-Included map zpo_deadblock
-Updates to various other maps (Haunted, Nightmare, zps_deadblock)

Yo diria que lo probemos a ver que sale, pude jugar a una version anterior en un server ruso y sale con fritas, al menos testearlo.

Para los que tengan una placa de video vieja, deberian testear esto:

Cita:right click zombie panic! source
click properties
click set launch options
in the command box type this: -dxlevel 80
press ok and launch game
your now playing in directx 8.0

Y sino, aca hay un coso de optimizacion para el Team Fortress 2 que deberia funcionar para esta porqueria tambien:


Mensajes en este tema
Zombie Panic! Source - Stand Alone (No Steam) - por Aisu - 07-10-2008, 18:02
Zombie Panic! Source - Stand Alone (No Steam) - por H.A. - 08-10-2008, 00:14