19-04-2009, 18:43
Cita:Zeno Clash is a upcoming videogame developed by ACE Team, an independent game development studio located in Santiago, Chile. The game is an action / fighting adventure set in a punk fantasy world.
On January 2009 Zeno Clash has been nominated finalist in the Independent Games Festival yearly competition, in the category of Excellence in Visual Art. Zeno Clash is one of the 5 games to be selected for this award, from a total of 226 participating titles in 2009's IGF
"Excelente" en arte visual. Rulz. Che, y lo desarrollan en Chile, no?. Y yo pensaba que todos desarrolladores estaban en USA hehe.
Vi a uno que le estaban haciendo la fatality en el vid. btw, alguien tiene data de cuando sale.