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Videos Nerd-On - el Regreso
Minuto 0:21 ==> PAUSAR

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Esperaba ver algo como un escote o un pezón. Vi algo UN MILLON DE VECES MEJOR JAJAJAJAJAJJAJA

Miles Edgeworth escribió:"Though I grow with each revolution of the planet around the sun... I have the distinct impression he continues to madly spin in place."
jaaaaaa buenismo lo de lenox me estoy riendo como un enfermo ajajaja


[Imagen: 1538925_652480234798957_1564641460_n.jpg]

Parece una foto, pero es oro puro.

Miles Edgeworth escribió:"Though I grow with each revolution of the planet around the sun... I have the distinct impression he continues to madly spin in place."
Viejisimo, lo postearon aca.

[Imagen: 1340064085136.gif]
Ya me habia olvidado del loco este xD

Cuando derrite la manteca, mai gad es la genialidad mas grande q vi.

Who the hell do you think I am?
[Imagen: KD1jZ5N.png]

Cita:The two most powerful coalitions (N3PL vs CFCRUS) in Eve are currently fighting over a space station that could turn the tide of a war that's been happening since October. This battle is 4 hours in and not looking to stop for many hours to come. At the time of this post 20 Titans, the largest and most powerful ships in Eve have been lost on both sides - a number never before seen. For comparison, the famous battle of Asakai (almost a year ago today) saw 3 Titans down.
This equates to tens of thousands of dollars lost.
There are almost 3000 people in system and the numbers continue to climb.
Twitch stream: (A quick note about what you are looking at. The ships you actually CAN see are Titans, they're about the length of Manhattan. There are ships the size of trucks that you can't even see.)
More details from Twitch stream: Mod Akatookey: Narrative for your pleasure: Nulli forgot to pay for the space station in this system (B-. PL was living in it. CFC and Rus took ownership of it knowing PL had assets in it. Both sides escalated to current shitshow.
An explanation of how losses are quantified in USD
Check out /r/Eve for info about the game
UPDATE 5:15 EST Almost 30 dead Titans now. US Timezone getting home from work and logging in.
UPDATE 5:52 EST 32 Titans down. CFCRUS: 22 Kills / N3PL: 10
UPDATE 6:03 EST It will take a long time for the killboards to fully update but we are looking at over $100,000 USD destroyed in this battle.
Update 6:12 EST Pilots in system has held steady between 2300 and 2400 for some time now. Time dilation still at 10%. 222 Billion ISK Erebus down.
UPDATE 6:49 EST Almost 40 Titans down.
Update 7:05 EST Scan of the ships involved in the battle:
UPDATE 7:40 EST Numbers of Titans lost has stagnated for about an hour now however this fight will go on for the next 12 hours. I am taking a short break, join us in /r/eve for more information in the mean time.
UPDATE 8:33 EST Almost 50 Titans dead CFCRUS: 30 Kills / N3PL: 17 Kills. Both sides have made it clear they have no plans on leaving until downtime.
UPDATE 9:14 EST After 9 hours on the field PL streamer and chief morale specialist nick_fuzzeh has completely lost his mind.
UPDATE 9:17 EST Number of pilots in system holding around 2100/2200 now. Number of dead Titans intel has not changed.
UPDATE 9:26 EST Dreadnought pilots are reporting that with the lag beginning to clear up their siege weapons are beginning to fire consistently. This should increase the rate ships are being destroyed. Please take note, hundreds of ships have probably died at this point. I am merely updating Titan deaths.
UPDATE 9:41 EST Streamer nick_fuzzeh (you did good nick!) client may have crashed. Odds of him being able to log back into that mess are slim to none. Updated to new stream:
UPDATE 10:05 EST Current total pilots from both sides in system: Current ALIVE Titan count N3PL 35 / CFCRUS 67
UPDATE 10:24 EST This battle will continue for many hours to come. It seems like N3PL will continue to take heavy losses - this battle will not only have a significant impact on the current war but the political landscape as a whole. I will update if I am still awake and there are any big changes.
UPDATE 10:36 EST Remaining N3PL Titans are attempting to extract at this time. Supercarriers, capital ships and sub-capitals will most likely remain on grid fighting until downtime.
UPDATE 11:24 EST My final update for the night - CFCRUS Titan Losses: 20 / N3PL Titan Losses: 40. Expect that number to rise.

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"The battle of the Virgins Deep"


No, en serio, siempre que escuché o leí algo sobre EVE fue de estas proporciones super épicas y todo suena recontra zarpado. Pero nunca nadie pudo explicarme en términos simples cual es la movida o de qué va el juego. Vi el video y es algo prácticamente estático, supongo que voy a ver un rato del video que linkean en la descripción a ver si alguien me da a entender un poco mejor las proporciones al menos.

Miles Edgeworth escribió:"Though I grow with each revolution of the planet around the sun... I have the distinct impression he continues to madly spin in place."
El tema es asi Eddie. EVE es un juego tanto economico como es de guerra. Hay corporaciones, el tema de la guita es tan importante como el de territorio. No se si jugaste a la saga X de naves espaciales para PC. Salvo por el movimiento y tipo de control (la saga X se juega como simulador de naves espaciales, EVE es mas con clicks como mmo corriente), X es algo asi como un EVE single player.

Hay guita (real) metida por el tema de flex y naves (tienen valores en $), pero es todo de ingreso, no se puede cambiar valor de juego por moneda real (legalmente... todo tiene su lado oscuro...)

La gente que lo juega se lo toma re enserio. Sino, no lo jugas, asi de simple.

Aca tenes un tipo hablando de su experiencia en una de las corporaciones mas grandes del juego. La primera respuesta te da una impresion de las dimensiones del juego:

El resto de las respuestas no son menos interesantes.

El tema es que el juego es bastante como un laburo, y lo hacen mas por la experiencia, no tanto por diversion pura.

Yo lo probe, y la verdad que no es para mi. A estas alturas no tengo el tiempo y la verdad que queria que sea mas como un simulador el movimiento. Clickclickclick me embolo. No quita que sea increiblemente interesante tanto como faceta social virtual como las posibilidades del gaming.

Yo tengo expectativas de que el Star Citizen encuentre un lugarsito en el medio entre diversion pura y este tipo de elementos super interesantes pero que requieren mucha inversion de tiempo.

PD: Lo que ves en el vid es una camera alejada de todo. Simplemente te muestra las dimensiones, hay miles y miles de naves ahi. Las que se notan son las enooormes. Las peleas son bien "sci fi reales" en el hecho de que son como LoGH, lasers lasers, un poco de estrategia y nada de dogfighting.

Dicho eso, se ve muy lindo.

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(29-01-2014, 12:08)Sound Theory escribió: "The battle of the Virgins Deep"

Flashee con eso por leer mal.
