29-09-2010, 01:57
Hace mucho que no creo un tema, asi que vengo a tirar esta noticia asi diome al paso, a mas de uno le chupara un huevo, pero corresponde que figure!
We've been hearing for months - even straight from George Lucas himself - that Star Wars should receive the 3D treatment. This evening word has come that work has indeed begun on converting the entire Star Wars franchise into the new format.
La noticia completa en http://movies.ign.com/articles/112/11241...z10tK2DifX
Ven, a mas de uno ya se le habria ocurrido que no podia seguir currando con las "primeras" tres. Pero no, no se les habia ocurrido esto.
We've been hearing for months - even straight from George Lucas himself - that Star Wars should receive the 3D treatment. This evening word has come that work has indeed begun on converting the entire Star Wars franchise into the new format.
La noticia completa en http://movies.ign.com/articles/112/11241...z10tK2DifX
Ven, a mas de uno ya se le habria ocurrido que no podia seguir currando con las "primeras" tres. Pero no, no se les habia ocurrido esto.